While there are many helpful resources, the elders of Faith Bible Church do not endorse all of the teachings, commentaries and conclusions from each and every person represented on this list. We urge the use of Biblical discernment and the adoption of a Berean spirit where everything is examined carefully from the clear teachings of Scripture. Where there are lingering questions, we would encourage having a discussion with one of the elders.
Don't Waste Your Life - John Piper
Growing Your Faith - Jerry Bridges
The Discipline of Grace - Jerry Bridges
The Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
A Gospel Primer for Christians - Milton Vincent
How People Change - Timothy Lane | Paul Tripp
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands - Paul Tripp
Spiritual Depression - Martyn Lloyd Jones
Lost in the Middle - Paul Tripp
The Master Plan of Evangelism - Robert Coleman
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - J.I. Packer
Let the Nations Be Glad - John Piper
Laboring in the Harvest - LeRoy Eimes
The Lost Art of Disciple Making - LeRoy Eimes
Bible Doctrines - Wayne Grudem
Foundations of the Christian Faith - James Montgomery Boice
Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace - James Montgomery Boice
Bookends of the Christian Life - Jerry Bridges
The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul
Amillennialism and the Age to Come - Matt Waymeyer
A Theology of Biblical Counseling - Heath Lambert
The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer
The Exemplary Husband - Stuart Scott
The Excellent Wife - Martha Peace
Love Life for Every Married Couple - Ed Wheat
Strengthening Your Marriage - Wayne Mack
When Sinners Say I Do - Dave Harvey
Shepherding a Child's Heart - Tedd Tripp
Instructing a Child's Heart - Tedd Tripp
Nine Marks of a Healthy Church - Mark Dever
The Church (The Gospel Made Visible) - Mark Dever
What is the Mission of the Church - Kevin DeYoung | Greg Gilbert