Youth Discipleship Ministry

The Aim:

The aim of Youth Discipleship Ministry (YDM) is to encourage students to walk in truth and obedience by daily studying, prayer, and memorizing Scripture. We hope to fan a flame of passion in them to worship, glorify, and honor Christ in every facet of their lives. The more we and our students walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, the more fruit we will bear in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10)


The Foundation:

The foundation of our ministry is Christ. He is the Rock we build our lives upon. We encourage students to dig down deep in the Scriptures and build their foundation on the Rock so that their faith might be unshakable in the storms of life.

The Vision:

The vision of YDM is to disciple students to maturity in Christ so that they in turn can influence others with the gospel and disciple those who come to Christ. Our gatherings aren't just a hang out. We dig into God’s Word and learn what the Scriptures teach, not for head knowledge alone, but in order that we might apply it to our lives and be conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).


What You Can Expect:

You can expect a high energy, Christ-centered, Bible-teaching, discipleship ministry for 8th grade through 12th grade students. We usually play icebreaker games, have a time of worship through song, and then spend time digging into God's Word! We also like to have a time of fellowship each month outside of our Wednesday evening meetings. We enjoy movie nights, game nights, ice skating, paint balling, weekend trips to places like Kings Island and the Cincinnati Zoo. We are intentional about serving our church and community!  

Times | Location | Contact:

Bring a Bible and a friend and join us next Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:00PM!

For more information, contact Dave Cannon at 812-760-9897 or email him.